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About me


I am Sachin, a pre-final year undergrad at the Department Of Computer Science and Engineering in Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur

I find practically all aspects of cybersecurity fascinating and interesting, but my particular areas of interest include OSINT, GEOINT, Cryptography, Reverse Engineering, Binary Exploitation, and programming in general. You can typically find me online under the sock name CyFun.

This personal blog is intended to serve as a record of my hobbies, research, and intriguing discoveries. The Blurb category comprises blogs about arbitrary subjects, Threads category offers meticulously researched series about a certain subject, CTF category contains capture the flag competitions that take place on ctftime and Scrawlings category includes HackTheBox and Tryhackme.

If you're interested in cysec and infosec stuff, LinkedIn and Twitter are good avenues or shoot me an email.